Research and Publications
We develop innovative education programmes through research, evaluation, and sharing our findings. Our pioneering programmes are detailed in publications and case studies below:
Gallery and Beyond: Training to Transform Good Times
Michelle Weiner (2015), Dulwich Picture Gallery
Social Prescribing: A Review of Community Referral Schemes
Thomson, L.J., Camic, P.M., Chatterjee, H.J. (2015). University College London.
Theorizing How Art Gallery Interventions Impact People With Dementia and Their Caregivers
Camic, P.M., Baker, E.L., Tischler, V. (2015).
Publication: The Gerontologist
"Fingerpaints and Masterpieces: Babies in the Art Museum"
Cabral, M., Phillips-Staley, E. (2015)
Book of Proceedings, END Education Conference for Education and New Developments, Porto, Portugal 27-29 June 2015
Mark Making: The Value of Arts and Cultural Activities for People Living with Dementia
Dr. Hannah Zeilig, University of the Arts, Dr. Chris Fox (Univ. of East Anglia) and John Killick
Current Case Study, 2014
Camic, P.M., Tischler, V. & Pearman, C. (2013). Canterbury Christ Church University.
Publication: Ageing & Mental Health.
‘The Art-Gallery as a Resource’ - for recovery of psychosis sufferers
Colbert, S.M., Cooke, A., Camic. P.M. & Springham, N. (2013). Oxleas NHS Trust.
Publication: The Arts in Psychotherapy, 40, 250-256
‘Art galleries, Episodic Memory and Verbal Fluency in Dementia’ An exploratory study.
Eeckelaar, C., Camic, P.M. & Springham, N. (2012). Canterbury Christ Church University.
Publication: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 6(3), 262-272. DOI: 10.1037/a0027499. Harper, S. & Hamblin, K. (2010).
Oxford University Institute for Ageing 3 year research project.
Harper, S. & Hamblin, K. (2010).
Publication: ‘This is Living’. Good Times: Art for Older People at Dulwich Picture Gallery.
‘Museums in Health and Wellbeing’ 2013
Helen Chaterjee and Guy Noble, University College London.
Review – MA Journal 2014
Current ongoing evaluation:
Visual to Vocal (2014) Partnership with English Touring Opera, Gallery Performance Project for 20 people with dementia and their carers.
Camic, P.M. Canterbury Christ Church University.