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Stephen Ellcock book talk and signing

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Renowned image alchemist Stephen Ellcock is a London-based curator, writer, researcher and online collector of images who has spent the last decade creating an ever-expanding virtual museum of art that is open to all via social media. View Stephen's Instagram account here

Join him for a look into his new book Underworlds and a chance to ask questions and get your own copy signed! 

About Underworlds
A darkly evocative compendium of images exploring natural, constructed, imaginary and subconscious underworlds, curated by renowned image collector and social media figure, Stephen Ellcock.

Combined event and book tickets: £35 

Event tickets: £12 (exc. a copy of the book RRP £25). 

Image credit: Asafo flag, Ghana, 19th century. Photo Desmond Brambley. © Karun Thakar Collection, London.