2010: Norman Rockwell
15 December 2010 - 27 March 2011
"Before the media revolution, people looked forward to Rockwell’s images, the essence of their times, not only what was, but what people would have liked America to be." Judy Goffman Cutler, Director, National Museum of American Illustration
"Completely exceptional" Saturday Review, Radio 4
“Only the hardest cynic could fail to be utterly charmed” **** The Times
Norman Rockwell’s heart warming depictions of everyday life made him the best-known and most beloved American artist of the 20th century. He lived and worked through one of the most eventful periods in the nation’s history and his paintings vividly chronicled those times. Norman Rockwell’s America exhibits a remarkable collection of selected original art spanning his six decade career.
This exhibition will be the first of his original works in this country. It will include all 323 Saturday Evening Postcovers created between 1916 and 1963, along with illustrations for advertisements, magazines and books – providing a comprehensive look at his career.